Cleo Marketplace

Cleo Integration Cloud (CIC) Services Marketplace

Explore pre-defined onboarding and change management services to help realize business growth. Whether you are looking to add new connections or update existing ones, it’s fast and easy.

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Services Packages for Adding New Deployments

Business Process Template Development
Business process template

Cleo handles the design, build, and orchestration of the end-to-end business process - from source to target - providing seamless integration between your business ecosystem and enterprise systems. The development includes trading partner setup, along with ingestion, data transformation, and propagation in CIC followed by delivery of source data to the target application. Business Process Template Development also facilitates error handling and process visibility for the end-user. 

Example: Processing of an inbound Purchase Order or EDI 850 from a trading partner into an ERP like Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Price: $3,950


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Deployment of Base Configuration (Unique Ruleset)
Unique ruleset

Unique Map development refers to data transformation from a source format to a target format based on business rules that are unique to a trading partner. A unique map utilizes an existing  Business Process Template and includes the modification of Ruleset and Process Routing, and andUnit Testing the configuration to validate the proper operation.

Example: New trading partner onboarding with Purchase Order (EDI 850) data specifications. Cleo will clone the EDI 850 Business Process Template and then modify it to the new trading partner’s specifications.

Price: $1,150


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Deployment of Base Configuration (Ruleset Reuse)
Deployment base configuration ruleset reuse

Accelerate onboarding of new trading partners. Reusing a ruleset containing data transformation rules across multiple trading partners eliminates the heavy lifting of integration. Only the trading partner setup is modified and all trading partners use the same data transformation ruleset.  

Example: Retailer that sends vendors an EDI 850 Purchase order to multiple suppliers. In a scenario where we add another manufacturer, then it is only required to create the trading partner set up for the newly added supplier. In this instance, the Unique Ruleset is reused.

Price: $800


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Trading Partner Connectivity Setup (New Connection)
Trading partner connectivity setup

Establishing a new connection involves working with the trading partner to gather technical details about the connection, setting up the connection and troubleshooting to eliminate any issues within the dataflow.  The service includes creation of trading partner connections over a variety of secure protocols including, AS2, SFTP, and FTP(s).

Example: A new connection is required when onboarding a new data movement-only trading partner, or when an existing trading partner stands up a new data movement server or changes their communications protocol.

Price: $800


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Cross Reference Table Additions / Deletions

Cross Reference Table additions/deletions for up to 1 cross-reference table.

Price: $800


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Services Packages for Modifying Existing Deployments

Changes to an Existing Connection
Changes to existing connection

Changes to an existing connection involve changes to URL/ports, user ID and passwords, PGP keys to sustain the connections in the production environment.

Price: $700


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Changes to an Existing Deployment (Unique Ruleset Change)

Unique Ruleset Change refers to modifying an existing Unique Ruleset that transforms data from a source format into a target format based on specific rules from a trading partner. A unique map needs to be developed when the Business Process Template already exists, however, the Ruleset must be modified, the Process Route requires modification, and additional testing is required.

Example: A Business Process Template might already exist for Purchase Orders (EDI 850) but now you want to receive orders from a new trading partner that has its own data specifications to be used. In this case, Cleo can clone the EDI 850 Business Process Template and modify it with reduced effort to accommodate the new trading partner’s specifications. The effort to develop Unique Maps is substantially less than creating a whole new Business Process Template. It includes time for Unit Testing the configuration to validate proper operation.

Price: $950


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New Partner Mailbox
New partner mailbox

Allow trading partners to upload or download files using AS2, FTP(s), and SFTP protocols. Drop and retrieve files from the inbox/outbox to support doing business with any trading partner regardless of their integration capability.

Price: $800


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Partner Certificate Management
Partner certification management

Partner Certificate Management refers to ensuring proactive identification of the AS2 and SSL certificates set to expire and coordinating with your trading partners to get and apply fresh certificates.

Price: $600


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SPS Commerce Certification Testing

SPS Commerce Certification Testing (add-on) for 1 trading partner connection (included with up to 5 maps).

Price: $800


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